In his mid-twenties, he lived and taught English in South Korea for four years before returning to the States to live, like many LDS authors, in Utah.
His first novel is On Angelic Wings, which has a planned sequel, but the sequel will be released after two other novels that are calling for his attention.
Ever since magic caused his mother's death, Ha-Neul, crown prince of Balhae, hates witches and the magic they wield. He has instituted harsh laws against all magic users.

In hiding and on the run, Ha-Neul swallows his pride and travels with his siblings to Vires, planning to beg Lisa's aid, only to learn that she has mysteriously vanished.
Now his only hope in reclaiming his kingdom and reuniting with Lisa lies in the remote Northern Mountains, a country no one has ever penetrated and rumored home of a powerful magic source. There, Ha-Neul learns that a being powerful beyond comprehension has been carefully guiding his destiny. But if Ha-Neul can't let go of his hatred of all things magic, and accept the new path offered to him, it will mean the destruction of his entire world.
Top Ten
I love chocolate. I always have a
stash of Lindor Truffles and Reese’s, my favorite Reese’s being the large
Easter’ eggs and Christmas trees. I also eat chocolate every day, sometimes
with all three meals.
I only buy the physical copies of
books that I really like. All my other copies are digital. I started doing this
after I moved to South Korea and had very limited living space.
I spent a few hundred dollars
collecting all of the single volumes of the manga Skip Beat! while I lived in South Korea. I still buy the new
volumes as they come out and read each new chapter online every month.
I like to cook, but I prefer
cooking when it’s for more people than just me; otherwise, I cook simple meals.
My favorite video game series is
Kingdom Hearts. I own multiple copies off the main games. However, my favorite
standalone (which is standalone for now) is Horizon Zero Dawn.
I own four of the Harry Potter
books with the original British covers (1, 3, 5, and 6) because I was given
them while I lived in South Korea, but sadly can’t afford to try to buy the
Weird fact: I have seven moles on
my right arm that form a dipper.
I was a bad student in university.
I hardly ever did the reading assigned for my English classes. I always
preferred to read a novel of my own choosing. Then I skimmed whatever reading
was appropriate for the essays I wrote for class.
Though my two novels are Sci
Fi/Fantasy, I very rarely read that genre anymore.
I’ll hold conversations with
myself as different characters. It helps me hear their voice better and get to
know them more.
Read a Snippet
He suppressed a shudder when her demeanor worsened. “I
wasn’t entirely sure for the past couple of weeks, but now I’m convinced. You
hate me,” he searched her face, looking deep into her eyes.
Lisa laughed, but it held no warmth, no amusement.
“Yes, it is difficult for me to conceal it when you are in front of me.”
“Why?” His voice was a little soft, and his chest felt
“Because you’re a monster.” Lisa spoke in Haeche.
He never believed he could see her countenance sour as
much as it did at that moment. She no longer hid the extent of her hate for
him, and it terrified him. The degree of it went past loathing and abhorrence.
She held him in complete execration.
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