30 April 2020

Book Review: The Keepers of the Black cave: A Time Travel Adventure by Hanit Pahima

About the book: 

One fine day, I was just browsing my Facebook and came across Hanit Pahima’s profile and came to know about her debut novel The Keepers of the Black cave: A Time Travel Adventure. I was really intrigued by the title; I have a special love for caves and asked her if I can review her book. She gladly said yes and here I am, doing a book review for The Keepers of the Black cave: A Time Travel Adventure. 

Author Hanit Pahima described her book as “Some say history repeats itself. Some even say that events repeat themselves in a timeless loop. 

What would have happened if JFK had remained alive? What would happen if Elvis didn’t really die? What would change if one more boy had died in the Holocaust?

Nicole and her brothers are there for only one purpose, to make sure history repeats itself exactly as it did the first time around. They have done it well, for many years.

But what happens when the rules are slightly bent? When someone chooses to interpret history?”

Book Name: The Keepers of the Black cave: A Time Travel Adventure
Author Name: Hanit Pahima
Print Length: 212 pages
Publisher: Tzameret Books Ltd 
Publication Date: February 18, 2019
Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC
Language: English
Purchase Links: Amazon USA | Amazon India

My Thoughts: 

Before I start reviewing this book, I have to come clean about the fact that I am personally to that big fan of time travel. The time travel thing seems to be really vague to me. Hence I have read very few books on this topic and most of them are in my native language Bengali. I tried my best to read the book without any preconceived notion. 

For any adventure book, especially which involves time travel, the flow has to be fast yet steady. Hanit Pahima achieved this goal with ease. The second thing I look for in any book is character development, the main character Nicole and her brother are well described and readers can relate to them. 

Another part that is well described in the book is the background for all the characters, like their family background. One much-unexpected thing from the book is its humor. I didn’t expect it at all and it is really funny at times. 

I really enjoyed the concept however sadly it not the follow-through. The book started off brilliantly and I was amazed. As the book progress, I didn’t much enjoy where the story is moving.  

Overall, this is a brilliant effort from author Hanit Pahima, and it is s very good book as a debut novel. Young readers will enjoy the book a lot. And it would make a good plot for television. I will recommend this book for anyone who is looking for adventure with store family emotion and humor.


Author Bio:

Hanit Pahima is a new author with a debut novel called "The keepers of the black cave". As a child who grew up on a merchant ship and saw plenty of the world before traveling was made so easy, many stories and adventures struck roots in her head and only as an adult did she managed to put them in writing and so emerged "the keepers of the black cave" A time travel fiction book filled with adventures, twists and some romance. A sequel is currently under work called "Fate of caves" and another fiction thriller book is also underwriting. 

Catch up with Hanit Pahima On: